Wednesday 10 June 2015

Review: Sex at First Sight: Understanding the Modern Hookup Culture by Richard E. Simmons III

I must confess that the title of the book, Sex at First Sight, by Richard E. Simmons III caught my attention because of its provocative title.  I found it to be quite similar in purpose and tone as other books that tackle sexuality from a Christian perspective, in that it makes an argument for saving sex exclusively for marriage. 

The book describes the hookup culture that exists now on college campuses, and the factors that have brought this about, such as pornography, alcohol abuse, peer pressure, changes in moral standards, and hedonism.   This is followed by a discussion on the consequences of hooking up.  The author then covers the meaning and purpose of sex from a biblical perspective.  The question of whether it is healthy to repress desires is addressed, although the reader is challenged to view the situation as an opportunity to make a joyful sacrifice as opposed to viewing it as a deprivation.  Finally, the question of, "Why are we here?" is asked and connected with a discussion on finding our purpose for living in God, which would influence all aspects of our lives, including our sexuality.

I found the book to be a bit brief, but still informative.  The discussion on pornography was enlightening, even though it was covered over a few pages.  The ease of access to porn through the internet, and the impact that porn has on the expectations and behavior of people struck me as being very true.   I also found the description of the physiological effects of sexual experiences on the limbic system to be interesting.  Although Mr. Simmons frequently references two other authors, Donna Freitas, and Dannah Gresh, he has put together a book which he hopes, "will serve as a guide to students and young adults to help them think clearly about their own sexuality."     

Disclaimer:  I was given a copy of "Sex at First Sight:  Understanding the Modern Hookup Culture," from NetGalley in exchange for a review.  All opinions stated in this review are mine.